
3 Key Ways to Avoid Text Neck in Jacksonville, FL

3 Key Ways to Avoid Text Neck in Jacksonville, FL

Aching tight pain in the upper back, shoulder blades, neck,  pounding headaches, tingling pain in the hands, trouble sleeping. These are all signs of the dreaded Text neck that more than 80% of people suffer from. Your head weighs about 10-12 pounds. In the “text neck” position there are over 60 pounds of strain on your neck muscles, OUCH! The average American is spending 6-8 hours on their smartphone, tablet, or looking down at a computer.  Text neck causes a reverse curve of the Cervical lordosis. This causes a loss of strength, muscle spasms, and will lead to early arthritis. It’s scary how many young adults and teens have a reverse curve and early arthritis due to this texting, not to mention the loss of function of their nervous system.

male texting on phone

How can we avoid this?

 #1 Get your spine checked by a professional chiropractor in Jacksonville FL. This will prevent improper motion of your spine, early arthritis, and neurological conditions. We are helping lots of patients with our protocol feel great and live pain-free active lives!

#2 Stretch often and follow the 50/10 rule. After 50 minutes of being seated spend 10 mins to get up walk around and do specific stretches given to you by a health professional

#3 Improve posture- Kinesio tape can be an excellent tool to help you maintain good posture. Avoid looking down for prolonged periods on your tech device. Also, an orthopedic pillow can not only let you feel refreshed and full of energy but also promote the natural lordotic curve of your neck to decrease your pain.

Give us a call for a complimentary consult. 904-372-0623

Yours in Health

Dr. Colby Caltrider, D.C.

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